The water pump is a refrigeration system that uses the heat released by the cold condenser to heat the regulated environment. As far as the thermophysical process of the water pump system is concerned, from the point of view of working principle or thermodynamics, it is a special use type of refrigerator. The main differences between it and general refrigerators are:
①The purpose of use is different. The purpose of the water pumpConcrete Vibrators Suppliers is to produce heat, and the focus of the research is the heat exchange between the working fluid on the high-pressure side of the system through the heat exchanger and the external environment; the purpose of the refrigerator is to refrigerate or low temperature, and the focus of the research is the working fluid at the low pressure of the system The heat exchange between the side pass heat exchanger and the outside;
②The temperature zone where the system works is different. The water pump uses the ambient temperature as the low-temperature heat source and the regulated object as the high-temperature heat source; the refrigerator uses the ambient temperature as the high-temperature heat source and the regulated object as the low-temperature heat source. Therefore, when the environmental conditions are comparable, the working temperature of the water pump system is higher than the working temperature of the refrigeration system.
2. The origin of the pump
With the development of the industrial revolution, at the beginning of the 19th century, people became keenly interested in the question of whether heat can be "pumped" from a lower temperature medium to a higher temperature medium. British physicist J.P.Joule put forward the principle that "the temperature of a compressible fluid can be changed by changing the pressure of a compressible fluid". In 1854, Professor W. Thomson (known as Lord Kelvin) published a paper in which he proposed the concept of a heat multiplier (HeatMultiplier) and described the idea of a water pump for the first time.
At that time, the object of water pump heating was mainly for civilian use, and the total heating demand was small, especially because of the heating method and its impact on the environment. People's heating methods are mainly coal and wood. Therefore, the development of heat pumps has been lagging behind the development of refrigerators for a long time.
In the 1930s, with the development of Freon refrigerators, water pumps developed rapidly. Especially after World War II, the large demand for heat supply and relative energy shortage brought about by the rapid development of industrial economy promoted the development of large-scale heat supply and industrial water pumps. The global energy crisis in 1973 further promoted the development of water pumps worldwide.