Control Techniques Used In Pump Controllers

摘要:Pumps and pump controls are an indispensable part of today's technology. Pumps are mainly used for c...
Control Techniques Used In Pump Controllers


Pumps and pump controls are an indispensable part of today's technology. Pumps are mainly used for cooling various systems or transport of liquids. Consequently, their requirements and the pump control are significantly different.

Pump controllers use different control techniques.

Limit control establishes set points or limits that, when reached cause the pump controller to send a signal to stop or start a process variable.

Linear control matches a variable input signal with a correspondingly variable control signal. Signal conditioning, filtering, and amplification can be used to produce the proper output control signal.

Proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) control requires real-time system feedback.

Feedforward control provides direct-control compensation from the reference signal and can be open-loop or used in conjunction with more advanced PID control.

Fuzzy logic is a type of pump control in which variables can have imprecise values (as in partial truth) rather than a binary status (completely true or completely false). Pump controllers can also use advanced or nonlinear controls with algorithms such as neural networking and adaptive gain.