Solar pumps are great examples of how we can use renewable energy for decorative purposes, but also for pumping water without depending on the grid.
The solar-pumps are classified into four types namely submersible solar pumps, surface solar-pumps, DC pumps, and AC pumps.
Submersible Solar Pumps
These pumps can lift the water up to 650 feet and fit within a big well. Whenever the water deepness in the well is above 20 feet from the surface then these pumps can work straightly turn off batteries, solar panels, otherwise power source in some cases. Generally, water is pumped throughout the day as the sun is shining & the water is stored in a tank for utilize whenever required. It is suggested to store the water only in a good weather condition because if the weather is not good then the water will not pump. These types of pumps mainly used in places wherever water is accessible at a larger depth & wherever open wells do not exist. The highest suggested depth for pumping is 50 meters. Please refer the link to know more about Automatic Solar Submersible Pump Control for Irrigation.
Surface Solar Pumps
These pumps are used in ponds, shallow wells, storage tanks otherwise streams. If the deepness of the water supply in the well is 20 feet or less than 20 feet from the surface. Generally, these pumps can't pick up the water very high from the deep well, they can push the water 200 feet or above distance. These pumps are apt for pumping as well as lifting water from the highest deepness of 20-meters.
DC Solar Pumps
The motor used in this kind of pump works with direct current, thus there is no need for inverter or battery.
AC Solar Pumps
The motor used in this kind of pump works with AC, which means the DC generated by the panels gets changed to AC with the help ofan inverter. This conversion leads to power failure from production & utilization.